The lively and light-hearted podcast tackling the serious side of everyday decisions. What does it mean to be environmentally conscious? Should we feel guilty about choosing convenience over sustainability? How can the average person join the dots from evidence to advice? Join environmental experts Ece, Jill, Sabine and guests as they dismantle everyday decisions - and what they are doing to our health, wealth and planet.

Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Choices 6. Can many cooks feed the world and save the planet?
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
"Eat food. Not a lot. Mostly from plants"
Michael Pollan
How do we navigate the food system and help reduce our environmental and social impacts?
In this episode we focus on the food system, integrated analysis, almond milk and a little bit of Brexit
It was difficult enough talking about a household’s shopping, cooking, eating habits in our first episode on food. This time, looking at the supply side if you like, it took us an hour to find a way into the conversation (don’t worry we cut that bit!). And once we were in, we went from consumers to farmers to agri-business to government and yes, we had to touch on post-Brexit agricultural policy…
This is not easy but conversations about feeding the world and saving the planet will need to involve everyone, and the solutions are a mix of science, technology and behaviours. So we hope you stay with us as we begin to explore these issues. We’ll get back to food again in 2021!
We talk quite a bit about different farming systems – in particular:
Intensive farming which uses higher levels of input and output per unit of agricultural land area – inputs can include labour, machinery and agri-chemicals. The impacts on the environment and animal welfare depend on the combination of the inputs used.
Extensive farming which uses a smaller amount of labour, machinery and agri-chemicals relative to the size of the agricultural land. Productivity (amount of crops and animal products produced per unit of land) in extensive agriculture depends primarily on the soil’s natural fertility, climate and water availability.
We recorded this episode before the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs updated their announcement on Environmental Land Management Scheme which will replace the EU Common Agricultural Policy in England - you can read the announcement here.
More interestingly, the UK Climate Change Committee published their 6th Carbon Budget. You can see all the reports and a video of the launch event here.
The CCC report also covers agriculture and makes suggestions as to how agricultural productivity can increase: how we can use the land we have to produce more food but without this increasing environmental damage.
Our guest in this episode was Professor Bridget Emmett, CEH Science Area Head, Soils and Land Use & Head of Bangor site. At the UK CEH, Bridget leads land management - Brexit modelling work for the Welsh government which you can read about here.
*** The views we and our guests express in this podcast are our own ***
See our website for more further reading

Monday Nov 30, 2020
Environmental Economist: Ece Ozdemiroglu
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
In this episode, we hear what environmental economics is about; the work of eftec, of which Ece is the Founding Director and the work of the Climate Change Committee - Adaptation Committee, of which she is a member. It is a story of luck and grit and focusing on the positives to keep going. And yes, she is Turkish, but you call her a Turkish delight at your own risk.

Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Choices 5. Food in an Uncertain World
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Where does our food come from?
How can we change our shopping, cooking and eating habits to be more resilient to risks to food supply and also better for our health, wealth and the planet?
In this episode we focus on the food system, adaptation planning, life cycle analysis, food miles and touch upon market pricing and public goods
The first COVID19 lockdown in the UK made us more aware that we are part of a very complex food system. It is a system that is increasingly subject to more shocks – not only Covid19 but also climate change and Brexit. In fact, given that the UK imports nearly half of its food (and, in the process, exporting the impacts of production), the whole system is worth exploring even in the best of times.
In this first of two food episodes, we discuss our reliance on a small number of food sources; how to weigh up the environmental, health and cost considerations and how we can provide for ourselves in times of uncertainty. We also touch upon how good nutrition and equal access to food are public goods that deserve government support.
We cover
- Storing
- Growing
- Re-thinking sources – food miles and country of origin are important but so is how the food is produced – about which there needs to be more information for the consumer
- Eating differently – adding variety to the meals you cook
- Wasting less – learning to cook differently, and being mindful of best before and use by labels; false economy of bulk buying that leads to waste
In the next episode on food, in December, we will look into what we eat and its impacts.
Key references we used for this episode are listed in our website – jointhedotspodcast/food-1
***The views we and our guests express in this podcast are our own***

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Choices 4. Air Fresheners
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Who tells us what clean should smell of?
Who knows what is in the fragrances used?
Do we need to surround ourselves with yet more chemicals, especially when their necessity is questionable?
In this episode we focus on understanding chemicals, risk assessment and policy
Pleasant smells have always been desirable – from artefacts found in Egyptian tombs to automatic sprays in public toilets today (OK, may be not those!). Fragrances used to be made entirely of natural ingredients like flowers, barks, deer musk and whale vomit (yup!). Over time more synthetic versions have been produced.
We have many types of air fresheners – sprays, plug-ins, gels, candles, plug ins, incense…if they use already regulated chemicals, like known toxic chemicals or allergens, the labels on the packaging need to disclose these. But if they are not known already, we need to wait till some harm is detected.
The entire world, including our bodies, are made of chemicals. But we don’t understand the potential impacts of all sorts of different chemicals in air, water, surfaces that we surround ourselves with – whether they are synthetic or natural. Some are useful and inevitable but the need for others are questionable.
We are not saying don’t use air fresheners – thoughtful use of products that make you happy is reasonable but perhaps pause a little before you reach for the next one. Listen to find out how we can use coffee, lemon, house plants, baking soda and, our favourite, vinegar, instead!
Thea Sletten, Principal Consultant at eftec (Economics For The Environment Consultancy), who is a specialist in chemicals policy and risk assessment, is our guest.
Key references we used for this episode are listed in our website – jointhedotspodcast/airfresheners
***The views we and our guests express in this podcast are our own***

Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Environmental scientist: Dr Sabine Apitz
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
In this episode, we start with one of our own, Dr Sabine Apitz, because she was reluctant to be called an ‘environmental scientist’. Let’s hear what she really does and why is she called ‘The Mud Queen’.

Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Choices 3. Homes, Heat Pumps and More
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
What do you look at when replacing your boiler?
Where do you find information about heat pumps? Who do you trust?
Can the UK embrace community heating options?
In this episode we focus on energy policy and technology and, as always, a bit of cost benefit analysis...
In June 2019, the UK committed to achieve ‘net zero by 2050’. Achieving this will require a coordinated and significant effort across all sectors. Heating and hot water for our homes make up a significant portion of energy use and emissions and are the focus of this episode. Policy makers assume there will be a switch to using heat pumps but knowledge about them is sparse; gas is subsidised to make competition tough and what’s the point of changing to a super duper heating system if your windows are draughty and your walls need insulating?
Jenny Hill of the Secretariat to the Committee on Climate Change and Peter Wickens from The Fuel Effect are our guests. We explore the challenges and opportunities for more sustainable home heating solutions, and explain the government advisory services and grants you can use.
Key references we used for this episode are listed on our website: jointhedotspodcast.com/heating
***The views we and our guests express in this podcast are our own***

Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Choices 2. Hygiene Products from Cradle to Grave
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Is there such a thing as a perfectly ethical choice?
How can we weigh up the costs and benefits of our decisions?
Should we feel guilty about choosing convenience over sustainability?
In this episode we focus on Life Cycle Assessment and, as always, a bit of cost benefit analysis...
In this episode, we take a deep dive and land on soft, cuddly nappies and sanitary pads.
Wait, are you going to use them once and chuck them in the bin or invest more in reusables..?
Compared to disposables, reusable hygiene products are seen by many as the 'ethical' choice. But what are the hidden costs of cleaning, washing, and maintaining reusables? Through the lens of life-cycle analysis, we look at the financial and environmental costs of hygiene products.
A switch to reusable sanitary products may not be enough if we go about washing them at power-hungry, high temperatures, or if we rely on reusable nappies without a plan to get children to use the potty as early as possible.
We finish off with an ode to the unsung hero of cleaning aids: vinegar.
Key references we used for this episode are listed in our website jointhedotspodcast.com/hygiene
*** The views we and our guests express in this podcast are our own ***

Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Trailer for the Join the Dots podcast.
Join environmental experts Ece, Jill, Sabine and guests as they tackle the surprising effects of our daily decisions. Each episode brings you a vibrant discussion on a new topic, dissecting the evidence and having a good laugh along the way.
Check out jointhedotspodcast.com for more information about the podcast, references for each episode and to get in touch with us!
***The views we and our guests express in this podcast are our own***

Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Choices 1. Covid19 - From evidence to advice
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Why does expert advice change? How can we interpret risk evidence? How do we deal with uncertainty?
In this episode we focus on Source-Pathway-Receptor Framework and, as always, a bit of cost benefit analysis...
One of the biggest changes the coronavirus pandemic has caused in our day-to-day lives is that we now wear a mask in shops, restaurants, and public transport – after a long debate about whether we should wear them.
Why has this advice changed? Can we trust science if it is so susceptible to change? How can we join the dots from evidence to advice?
How should we wear the masks (or gloves or visors) and look after them? Is there a way to protect ourselves that’s sustainable and affordable? We investigate.
Also, you’ve probably read headlines claiming that countries led by female leaders fared better at containing the pandemic. We look at the research on women leaders and at what sets them apart from more autocratic male leaders.
Key references we used for this episode are listed in our website – jointhedotspodcast/covid19
***The views we and our guests express in this podcast are our own***