The lively and light-hearted podcast tackling the serious side of everyday decisions. What does it mean to be environmentally conscious? Should we feel guilty about choosing convenience over sustainability? How can the average person join the dots from evidence to advice? Join environmental experts Ece, Jill, Sabine and guests as they dismantle everyday decisions - and what they are doing to our health, wealth and planet.

Thursday Nov 04, 2021
COP26 - Day 4
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
LISTEN ALSO Day 12 update to hear more about Hydrogen. Hydrogen from natural gas only works if carbon left from the process is stored. Very expensive and not green as advertised by the Mitshibushi man.
A 12 day conference with diplomatic negotiations, a blue zone (for ‘parties’ and ‘party overflows’) and a green zone (for the general public) and many side events all over the city; attended by around 30,000 people.
A lot of work goes into preparing for a COP – not just the physical structures but also ideas, conversations and agreements. And the work continues after.
It is important to establish “the mood music” as Jill puts it, so all the work before, during and after, delivers what we need.
Ece and Jill are up in Glasgow for COP26. They will do daily summaries – supported by Sabine, Neil and Anna back at the HQ. If they manage to find each other in the chaos they may even upload a chat. Listen out for their summaries in the evening.
See below for follow up references and background information we mention in the updates.
Ece attended a meeting of hearts and minds in a circle held by Kosha Anja Joubert, CEO of the Pocket Project in the stand hosted by Institute of Advance Sustainability Studies
Met with Derin Altan for 40 seconds after meeting him at a seminar on Net Zero for Bozcaada. Derin is one half of Esmiyor (means ‘no breeze’ in Turkish) – a climate change news and discussions platform and podcast

Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
COP26 - Day 3
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
A 12 day conference with diplomatic negotiations, a blue zone (for ‘parties’ and ‘party overflows’) and a green zone (for the general public) and many side events all over the city; attended by around 30,000 people.
A lot of work goes into preparing for a COP – not just the physical structures but also ideas, conversations and agreements. And the work continues after.
It is important to establish “the mood music” as Jill puts it, so all the work before, during and after, delivers what we need.
Ece and Jill are up in Glasgow for COP26. They will do daily summaries – supported by Sabine, Neil and Anna back at the HQ. If they manage to find each other in the chaos they may even upload a chat. Listen out for their summaries in the evening.
See below for follow up references and background information we mention in the updates.
Some of the Day 3 (Finance Day) announcements from Aldersgate Group‘s digest
The US re-joined the high ambition coalition

Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
COP26 - Day 2
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
A 12 day conference with diplomatic negotiations, a blue zone (for ‘parties’ and ‘party overflows’) and a green zone (for the general public) and many side events all over the city; attended by around 30,000 people.
A lot of work goes into preparing for a COP – not just the physical structures but also ideas, conversations and agreements. And the work continues after.
It is important to establish “the mood music” as Jill puts it, so all the work before, during and after, delivers what we need.
Ece and Jill are up in Glasgow for COP26. They will do daily summaries – supported by Sabine, Neil and Anna back at the HQ. If they manage to find each other in the chaos they may even upload a chat. Listen out for their summaries in the evening.
See below for follow up references and background information we mention in the updates.

Monday Nov 01, 2021
COP26 - Day 1
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
A 12 day conference with diplomatic negotiations, a blue zone (for ‘parties’ and ‘party overflows’) and a green zone (for the general public) and many side events all over the city; attended by around 30,000 people.
A lot of work goes into preparing for a COP – not just the physical structures but also ideas, conversations and agreements. And the work continues after.
It is important to establish “the mood music” as Jill puts it, so all the work before, during and after, delivers what we need.
Ece and Jill are up in Glasgow for COP26. They will do daily summaries – supported by Sabine, Neil and Anna back at the HQ. If they manage to find each other in the chaos they may even upload a chat. Listen out for their summaries in the evening.
See below for follow up references and background information we mention in the updates.
The opening ceremony is on the COP26 youtube channel alongside many others. https://www.youtube.com/c/cop26

Sunday Oct 31, 2021
COP26 - Prologue
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
A 12 day conference with diplomatic negotiations, a blue zone (for ‘parties’ and ‘party overflows’) and a green zone (for the general public) and many side events all over the city; attended by around 30,000 people.
A lot of work goes into preparing for a COP – not just the physical structures but also ideas, conversations and agreements. And the work continues after.
It is important to establish “the mood music” as Jill puts it, so all the work before, during and after, delivers what we need.
Ece and Jill are up in Glasgow for COP26. They will do daily summaries – supported by Sabine, Neil and Anna back at the HQ. If they manage to find each other in the chaos they may even upload a chat. Listen out for their summaries in the evening.
See below for follow up references and background information we mention in the updates.
In this episode Ece refers to this article by George Monbiot:

Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Demystifying Expertise - 8. Learning and Unlearning: Jodi Newcombe
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
For this episode, Ece spoke to Jodi Newcombe, one-time colleague, all-time friend, with several hats – including Carbon Arts and Castlemaine Institute.
She talked about her journey of learning, unlearning and managing her professional ego. She says she hits ‘the green wall’ but what helps her survive, and may also help you are: 1. discover and focus on your unique gifts and 2. listen without thinking about what you’ll say next.
“Cultural change offers us the best chance for rapid evolution. What we believe and the stories we tell ourselves shape the world. Unlearning the culture, mindsets and belief systems that brought us climate change is a first and challenging step. But it paves the way for the joyful practice of forging a new culture and story in which humans can co-evolve with and regenerate life on Earth”

Monday Oct 18, 2021
Choices 14. Sustainable Fishing
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Eat or not eat fish?
If you are going to eat fish, how to choose which? - check out the Good Fish Guide
"we are putting too much in, taking too much out"
The oceans are vast, deep, and largely unexplored. The seas have for countless generations provided a seemingly limitless source of food in exchange for humankind’s wastes. It was long thought by many that the vast expanse of our oceans ensured that “dilution is the solution to pollution.”
Today, it is abundantly clear that “we are putting too much in; taking too much out” as Sandy says.
Chemicals from our activities end in the sea, and, often, in our seafood. Our voracious appetite for seafood has significantly depleted life in the previously teeming sea.
Climate change is not only warming the seas causing some species to migrate and others to decline in numbers. It is also making the water more acidic – making it more difficult for species that need shells to make them and hence reduce their chance of survival, and dissolving shells deposited on the seafloor, that would otherwise sequester carbon.
The less life (animals and plants, from whales to plankton) in the oceans, the less carbon the sea absorbs, adding to the vicious circle of climate change.
A growing number of respected scientists, including Sylvia Earle, have told us that they would no more eat a wild-caught fish, than they would eat a lion, giraffe or panda. Fish are, after all, wild animals, and increasingly threatened ones. Many have recently watched the documentary “Seaspiracy” and similar exposes, which reveal many concerning issues about global fisheries. Both reviled as “vegan propaganda” and praised as brave truth-telling, it has certainly gotten people talking.
That said, fish is an important part of the diet and economies of many communities and fish consumption is projected to increase in coming decades. Those of us who want to continue to eat fish have a responsibility to “engage to change” as Sandy puts it. We need to demand more information on what we are sold:
- what species
- where it comes from and
- how it is caught.
These three factors are key to deciding if fish is caught sustainably – in other words, if we are taking out less than the remaining fish can replace, and if methods used are not causing irreparable damage to the seabed and the seas. We can do something about it – if you choose to eat fish, source your fish wisely – know what you are eating!
Check out the Good Fish Guide from the Marine Conservation Society when buying fish.
Of course, an increasing proportion of the fish we eat is farmed – aquaculture is a growing industry. It has its own challenges and trade-offs, and will be the subject for another episode.

Saturday Jul 03, 2021
Saturday Jul 03, 2021
In her journey, Joke admits lab work is a lot about washing up and she learnt when you start communicating your research, how you say it matters as much as what you say. And to make a difference to policies, we need to connect scientists first...competition does not always lead to efficiency. Sometimes collaboration is the key, and listening to others seems as important as presenting our information...as Joke says "How can I help you?"
"Sustainability is everything we should do to be able to keep on going...." Joke says... Loosely defined concepts but tightly defined criteria are helpful to know if we are heading in the right direction.
Soil was Joke's first love but she's moved from soils to climate change...from knowing a lot about a little as a scientist to knowing a little about a lot as an advisor and communicator...It's all essentially about connecting people and pieces of information

Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Choices 13. Sustainable Business & Stakeholders
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Stakeholder capitalism - for the benefit of all...A big statement? Yup, need big statements even for baby steps.
"Business As Usual is currently unsustainable and a wasted opportunity"
How can good business be good for the business, the people and the planet?
What is stakeholder capitalism?
In previous episodes, we’ve talked about the environmental impacts caused by the design, production, use and disposal of products such as air fresheners, cosmetics, toiletries, medicines, washing detergents, and hygiene products.
We have explored the pathways from the release of harmful substances (such as pollution to air, water) through to impact on the natural environment and human health and wellbeing.
We have also talked about what we, as consumers and citizens, can do - in this episode we look at businesses, but individuals are not let off the hook, because we also discuss what stakeholder capitalism is, and is all about.
What makes companies better at being more sustainable – commercially, but also socially and environmentally? Have companies been changing the way in which they conduct their business to reduce their negative environmental (and social?) impacts? More than that - are they beginning to think about their dependence on nature as an opportunity for innovation?
To talk about this, we have with us Helena Wayth, the CEO of A Bird’s Eye View – a strategic business and marketing consultancy which she founded after years of working in different strategic and leadership positions across sectors and the world. She has written extensively on the changing role of Boards and on governance by private companies. You can find links to her work and others in the references below.

Thursday May 20, 2021
Demystifying Expertise - 6. Explorer & Conservationist Tanya Rosen
Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
Tanya's love for the animals and people she works with will warm your heart.
Tatjana (Tanya) Rosen is a National Geographic Explorer working on snow leopard, Persian leopard and Asiatic cheetah conservation in Central Asia and the Caucasus – currently based at Caucasus Nature Fund; having previously worked on grizzly bears ad wolfs in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks in the USA.
The way she speaks about her connection with the animals is moving – so much so that Ece was lost for words at times.
What is even more special about Tanya is that she is also connected to the people. She's striving to find ways that will make life easier both for the people and the animals – this being key to successful conservation.
Her story will take you from Italy and former Yugoslavia to the USA, and via many Central Asian countries to Tbilisi, Georgia where she was when she spoke to Ece. Her story will also take you through war and terror attacks and from the courtrooms to the mountains.
Having mentioned war and terror, you would be forgiven for thinking the conversation would be dark and gloomy. On the contrary, you will be uplifted by her love for people and the animals she works with. She says any time she feels like giving up, animals remind her why she should not.
Various links she provided can be found on our website: https://www.jointhedotspodcast.com/tanya